Policy of Impartiality 

Last updated: 3 Mars 2024

Employees and subcontractors of Dovre Sertifisering AS shall not participate in the certification of companies where they have any financial or other personal interests in the business.

Employees and subcontractors in Dovre Sertifisering must not use the insight he/she gets from the customer to promote their own interests.

Dovre Sertifisering AS shall not undertake tasks with the certification of businesses;

  • where DSE employees or subcontractors during the last 2 years have assisted the business as a consultant in establishing its quality or environmental management system or carrying out internal audits.
  • where board members and/or owners in DSE have any form of personal or financial interest
  • where there is a risk of partiality between the client's consultant and DSE.
  • which are certification bodies
  • For cases where any form of conflict of interest may be relevant, this must be clarified between the customer and DSE before any certification work begins


Dovre Sertifisering AS shall not allow threatening behavior to influence the outcome of an audit. Clients has the opportunity to reject the audit team in whole or in part.

Conflict of interest is assessed in the first step of the certification process. Should any doubt arise regarding conflict of interest with the client, the situation will be analyzed to ensure that the audit is carried out impartially.

All specific cases and any conclusions shall be logged in Dovre Sertifisering AS's deviation system, and there are further defined processes in relation to how this is followed up.

Compliance with this policy shall help ensure impartiality and objectivity between Dovre Sertifiking AS and all our customers.